Soilmate Revival

Soil Mate

Soil Mate Wild Harvested Abalone Fertiliser improves soil health and increases soil fertility by providing the primary nutrients and active micro-organisms necessary for plants to thrive.

Available Sizes: 1000L, 200L, 20L, 10L, 5L, 1L
Contact To Order

Soilmate Revival is shown to alleviate soil stalinization stress; solubising soil inorganic phosphate; myco-remedation of soil organic contamination.

The bacteria bio-film communities form a mutualistic interaction with plant rhizome system, providing pre-emptive colonisation. It is able to combat the impact of pathogens by releasing, a number of natural enzymes, siderophores and antibiotics. Highly efficient phosphate solubising bacteria that secrete organic acids that can mobilise insoluble nutrients like Phosphorus. Active in soil organic matter breakdown and turnover.

Soilmate Revival does exactly what it says, it revives your soil. With the addition of 5 key Bacillus bacteria into a fish based fertiliser containing 5.5% organic carbon, Revival will literally revive your tired soils from the effects of chemicals, chemical fertilisers, tiling and monocropping.

By adding the Bacillus bacteria to abalone based fish fertiliser containing organic carbon, NPK and a full complement of trace elements, Soilmate Revival will provide will provide much needed organic nutrition to your plant while delivering the 5 essential Bacillus bacteria to the root zone.


Soilmate Revival benefits

  • Improves soil structure

  • Increase nutrient uptake

  • Build the immune structure within the plant

  • Reduce the impacts of salinity

  • Increases moisture holding capacity

  • Build suppressive soils

Crop Type
Application Info


2-4L per Ha into 300-300L water

Short crops (less than 10 weeks) - Once per crop rotation within 2 weeks of planting. Long crops (over 10 weeks) - Twice per crop rotation. First app within 2 weeks of planting, second app midway through crop cycle.


4L per Ha into 200-300L water

Apply in Spring and Autumn.

All other crops

2-4L per Ha into 200-300L water


2-4L per Ha into 300-300L water

Short crops (less than 10 weeks) - Once per crop rotation within 2 weeks of planting. Long crops (over 10 weeks) - Twice per crop rotation. First app within 2 weeks of planting, second app midway through crop cycle.


4L per Ha into 200-300L water

Apply in Spring and Autumn.

All other crops

2-4L per Ha into 200-300L water

Contact us for application timings on all other crops.

Total Major Nutrients

Nitrogen (N)

% 1.82

Phosphorus (P)

% 0.521

Potassium (K)

% 0.094

Sulphur (S)

% 0.225

Total Catons

Calcium (Ca)

% 0.0697

Magnesium (Mg)

% 0.0534

Sodium (Na)

% 0.319

Total Minerals

Copper (Cu)

ppm 6.07

Zinc (Zn)

ppm 22.2

Iron (Fe)

ppm 0.272

Manganese (Mn)

ppm 1.35

Cobalt (Co)

ppm 0.125

Molybdenum (Mo)

ppm 0.305

Boron (B)

ppm 2.08

Carbon Content

Organic Matter

% 11.1

Organic Carbon

% 5.55

Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio

C/N 7.37

pH (1:5 Water)


Need a custom blend just for your soil?

We can work with you so you can get the most out of your soil’s specific microbiology.


Our team of experts will come visit your farm personally and do all the necessary tests to establish your exact requirements.


We’ll develop a plan to improve your soil health and help you reach your goals by recommending and supplying all the products required based on the testing and reports.


We continue to assess your soil and make adjustments. Our mission is to maximise your yields and minimise your input.

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