About us

At Greenmate Agriculture we want to help you work with your soils. To get the most out of them without degrading them in the process with harmful chemicals and synthetic products. We develop scientifically backed soil and health programs, bringing data and results to the forefront.

We believe that what is good for your soil is also good for your bottom line. We understand nature at Greenmate Ag. We have a deep understanding of soils and biology. Soil is a living organism, a self-sustaining ecosystem that needs nurturing and care. Unfortunately, every time we use chemicals and synthetic fertilisers we negatively impact the life of our soil. We make farming just that little bit harder for ourselves, and this has a flow on effect that further impacts results and profits.

We understand that all products have a role in commercial farming and agriculture including chemicals and synthetics. However we also understand that we can only damage our soils so much before problems start occurring. Problems such as disease, pest attacks, poor growing results, low yields, lower quality and the list goes on.

Our goal at Greenmate Ag is simple. We want to work with you so you can get the most out of your soils that all focuses on microbiology and regenerative agriculture.

We make getting your soil health back on track easy! Our team will come visit your farm. We undertake necessary tests to help us establish your exact requirements and develop a soil health program unique to your farm and your goals. Our support is ongoing with continued assessments
and adjustments to ensure the best possible outcomes for your soil situation.

We help you throughout your journey to better healthier soils alongside our partners. We partner with high quality suppliers to ensure that we can get the right products for your long term success.

Want to reach out?

Check out our contact page to find out how we can help you and your soil today!